Saturday, May 1, 2010

Man vs. Nature

Frank Lloyd Wright (FLW) is an amazing architect. One of my favourite buildings of his is the Guggenheim Museum in NYC!

But this isn't about the Guggenheim, its about Fallingwater. 

I've always wondered what kind of person sees a thing of beauty and decides "This waterfall is a perfect spot to build a concrete house over!". If a place is beautiful already, what more needs to be added to it? 

FLW, is famous for his Fallingwater house, Pennsylvania.  In 1991, the American Institute of Architects named the house the "best all-time work of American architecture".

The photo below is of the waterfall , 1910 before the house was built. Although not the best photographic representation of a thing of beauty, I think we can all imagine the colour, the sound, the smell of a waterfall and its surroundings.

Then in the 1930s a house was added to the waterfall. Talk about harnessing nature.


Apparently, the house is a masterpiece because of its integration with the natural surroundings and connection to the site. It is undeniably beautiful, when I see it in photos. But most of the photos are taken from the same angle, like the photo above. I'm a bit skeptical. 

If  Fallingwater house  does not disrespect nature, I think FLW's ego does.


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